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:: Volume 10, Issue 35 (12-2023) ::
2023, 10(35): 17-25 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of hydroelectric power generation in water transmission lines from the perspective of virtual water, case study: Safaroud dam transmission line to Kerman.
Marzie Samare Hashemi
Bahonar university of Kerman , samare@uk.ac.ir
Abstract:   (752 Views)
In recent years the project of water transmission had an increasing trend in Iran. However, the issue of electrical energy related to these project had recieved less attention. Another important issue regarding the power generation is the amount of virtual water to produce each kilowatt hour of water generation. In this regard the current paper has examined the amount of virtual water for the production of electricity, in the water transmmission line from Safaroud dam to Kerman. The potential of producing hydroelectric power and as a result the amount of virtual water due to this amount of production has been checked and calculated. For this purpose, first, the transmmission line has been simulated in WaterGEMS software, the hydroelectric power generation potential has been calculated. On the other hand by calculating the average amount of virtual water to produce each kilowatt hour of electricity, the amont of virtual water saved in the case of producing this amout of hydroelectric power has ben calculated. the results show that there is 72.5 Gigawatt hours of hydroelectric power generation capability in the system, and if this amount of hydroelectric power is produced, 45639 cubic meters of virtual water will be saved per year.    
Keywords: water transmission systems, Hydroelectric power, Virtual water
Full-Text [PDF 835 kb]   (126 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: توسعه پایدار، زیست محیطی و ارزیابی اقتصادی
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Samare Hashemi M. Analysis of hydroelectric power generation in water transmission lines from the perspective of virtual water, case study: Safaroud dam transmission line to Kerman.. Iranian Dam and Hydroelectric Powerplant 2023; 10 (35) :17-25
URL: http://journal.hydropower.org.ir/article-1-525-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 35 (12-2023) Back to browse issues page
نشریه سد و نیروگاه برق آبی Journal of Dam and Hydroelectric Powerplant
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